A nerdy girlthing writing about fantastical spaces.
Quick Note A lot happened in my life and I fell off from writing this. The game also had some unevenness and disruption, including at one point being canceled before being restored. So this will cover four sessions plus some extra roleplay. One player dropped out of the game as well. The summary will be…
These are the results of a few text RPs taking place between characters in my Psi-Wars campaign. Please note that a few of these interludes feature some disturbing content. These will be noted in the individual sections. Young Aeila About 6 years before Aeila came to Samsara, she attended a party on Persephone hosted by…
I have wanted to design my own roleplaying game since I was a child pouring over my collection of Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 books on my grandparents’ kitchen table. For a decade and a half I’ve nursed and nurtured that desire. My failed attempts are numerous, spread behind me like irregular milestones I look back…
Wrapping Up Revalis Once again, one player was absent this session. As soon as Aeila recovered from her stun, she promptly attempted to murder Revalis Khalli, and only the quick words of her companions stayed her hand. Barely. This was of course a relief for the Satemo, who was not interested in being bisected by…
In the Throes of Melee Last session ended with the party engaged in combat, but one player missed this session and another unfortunately could only arrive partway through. An explosion rocked the street from the direction Lee ran off to. Luckpicker continued to grapple, gnaw, and mangle the policemen around it, as the other half…
The Slaver and the Seeress The party found itself in orbit above Samsara aboard a Xanadu-class luxury yacht, in the personal chambers of a Slaver cartel boss. This led to some immediate misgivings. Lyra extended her claws, ready to throw hands pretty much right out the gate. However, she and the others at least agreed…
Arriving to the Castle The session began with the party on the ferry to Jetuni Zakon, watching as a black shuttle descended through the sunset skies above. As they stepped onto the deck of the Floating Castle itself, they caught sight of the shuttle again, its boarding doors open to reveal an Imperial delegation headed…
An Offer of Employment The party finds themselves in a cafe near the spaceport in Maon, the planetary capital of Samsara. Lee is at the card table, sitting in a cloud of sweet-smelling cigar smoke, winning more than they lose. Lyra and Aeila (the latter in her Maradonian civilian clothes) watch a half-Ranathim dancing girl…
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